Saturday 25 June 2011

Aquila Latest News

Hi to all the regular readers of the blog and anyone who may be visiting for the first time (please feel free to become a follower by clicking the "follow" tab on the right of the screen), just a quick update to let you all know what is currently going on. As you will have noticed we have not posted for some time now, due to moving back to the UK for the next couple of months. The reason for this is two fold; firstly I will be aiding a number of environmental consultancy companies with some specialist species surveys during the remainder of the summer, secondly - with daily temperatures in Spain regularly exceeding 40 degree's, heat-haze is drastically reducing the amount of time you can spend in the field.

During this brief time in the UK we will still be making regular posts from all our birding trips, so please continue to visit the blog. Also previously un-published images from Spain will sporadically be posted. Your feedback on these is most welcome and any comments would be appreciated. During the last few weeks we have also been busy working on an extensive website up-date which will now include a photo gallery, this update will go "live" in the next week or so and yet again all comments would be gratefully received. Happy birding! Ash.

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