The good weather is still with us and I'm trying to make the most of it while it lasts! Today I went for a walk around La Mata recording a few interesting species -
Booted Eagle (2),
Hen Harrier (1),
Marsh Harrier (5+),
Stone Curlew (19),
Greater Flamingo (16),
Avocet (numerous, picture below),
Ruff (3, picture below),
Little Stint (4),
Kentish Plover (8),
Slender-billed Gull (4) and
Sandwich Tern (9).
Perhaps the best find today was 3
Richards Pipit which showed well at times, one of the birds was colour ringed with a single green ring on its right leg and a metal ring on its left. A picture of one of the individuals can be seen below.
Above 3 Images - Ruff
Richards Pipit
El día 6-2-2011 fotografié ese mismo Bisbita de Richard con las dos anillas en el Arenal de Los Nietos (Cartagena, Murcia). Más información en:
Angel Guardiola